Jack Kornfield joined Maria Shriver for an Architects of Change LIVE conversation about finding happiness, love and his new book “No Time Like the Present.” on 6/14/17
Jack Kornfield joined Maria Shriver for an Architects of Change LIVE conversation about finding happiness, love and his new book “No Time Like the Present.” on 6/14/17
Going back to the basics, Jack explores how we can skillfully navigate our dynamic mood states by experiencing them as clouds of the mind.
The purpose of a retreat is to follow a formal rhythm of practice that allows you to center yourself, tend your body, quiet your mind, see the present circumstances with clarity and freedom, and open your heart.
Let the breath be natural. Let the heart be soft to receive whatever arises with compassion. Now with this embodied presence, begin to notice the play of your human experience—sensations, sounds, feelings and thoughts. Become the loving witness of it all.