[Video] Heart Wisdom – Ep. 234 – Guided Meditation: Mindful Loving Awareness

Inviting in calm, strength, and steadiness, Jack leads a guided meditation into the heart of mindful loving awareness.

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“Feel the weight of your body, gravity, and how the earth completely supports you when you let go into your seat. You’re met by the strength and steadiness of the earth itself. You can rest on her.” – Jack Kornfield

In this fresh episode, Jack leads a guided meditation for:
  • Inviting in a sense of ease and calm
  • Relaxing into mindful loving awareness
  • Finding a steady, grounded, rooted posture
  • Keeping a natural, soft, and flowing breath
  • Quieting the mind and watching experience unfold
  • Noticing the arising and passing away of all phenomena
  • Allowing yourself into rest, trust, and relaxation
This guided meditation was originally recorded on 2/19/2024 for the Spirit Rock Monday Night Dharma Talk and Meditation. Register to join Jack’s next livestream at JackKornfield.com/events
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