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Audio: Worldwide Healing of Love

However difficult the times, suffering is not the end of the story—love is. May your spirit be strong. May you be safe and protected. May...

Audio: Lovingkindness Meditation

The beautiful truth is that love can be awakened, cultivated, and invited to grow in our hearts. The practice of metta or lovingkindness taught here...

Awakening Love

The Buddha taught that we can develop loving-kindness by visualizing how a caring mother holds her beloved child. Love is our true nature, but it...

Human Flourishing

How can we foster peace and understanding, compassion and well-being for humans and for all beings? We know this is possible individually. In our practice...

Video: Love Dharma Talk

This is the last talk of ten. Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right...

Audio: Love Dharma Talk

When you meditate, the game is to sit and let the mind quiet, tend the heart, and begin to listen to life itself. The question...

Choose Love

We all want to love and be loved. Love is the natural order, the main attraction, the mover of nations, the bees in spring, the...

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