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Practice: Visualization

To work with a sacred image, choose someone who inspires you, St. Francis or Kwan Yin the goddess of infinite mercy, Jesus or Mary, Buddha...

Practice: Counting Thoughts

“With the mind, observe the mind.” – Buddha  This first simple practice gives an immediate experience of mindfulness of thought. Sit comfortably and quietly. After...

Establishing a Daily Meditation

First select a suitable place for your regular meditation. Place a meditation cushion or chair there for your use, and add any books or images...

Developing a Healing Attention

Sit comfortably and quietly. Let your body rest easily. Breathe gently. Let go of your thoughts, past and future, memories and plans. Just be present....

A Sitting Meditation

To begin meditation, select a quiet time and place. Be seated on a cushion or chair, taking an erect yet relaxed posture. Let yourself sit...

A Meditation on Lovingkindness

This meditation uses words, images, and feelings to evoke a lovingkindness and friendliness toward oneself and others. With each recitation of the phrases, we are...

Sitting Meditation

To begin meditation, select a quiet time and place. Be seated on a cushion or chair, taking an erect yet relaxed posture. Let yourself sit...

When You Walk, Just Walk

When You Walk, Just Walk The natural ease of walking can be used as a direct and simple way to bring centeredness and peace into...

Forgiveness Meditations

Forgiveness is an act of the heart, a movement to let go of the pain, the resentment, the outrage that you have carried as a...

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