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Video: Love Dharma Talk

This is the last talk of ten. Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right...

Video: Forgiveness Meditation

Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for the development of forgiveness. Like the practice of compassion, forgiveness does not ignore the truth of our...

Video: Right Effort

Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right effort, patience, truthfulness, resolve, equanimity, and loving-kindness....

Video: Living a Full Life

Jack Kornfield and Frank Ostaseski discuss what it means to live a full life during a Monday night dharma talk at Spirit Rock. “In any...

Video: Learning to Surf

With mindfulness, we are learning to observe in a new way, with balance and a powerful disidentification. We can begin to sense and observe the...

Video: Guided Meditation

The practice of meditation does not ask us to become a Buddhist or a meditator or a spiritual person. It invites us to fulfill the...

Video: Wise Leadership

The qualities of leadership taught by the Buddha are: generosity, integrity, non-harming, steadiness, sacrifice, patience, inclusiveness, vision, trust and loving awareness.

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