Video: Heart of Compassion Meditation
Compassion is the tenderness of the heart when it encounters suffering. For the circle of compassion to flow it requires the care of those suffering...
Compassion is the tenderness of the heart when it encounters suffering. For the circle of compassion to flow it requires the care of those suffering...
This healing meditation includes some guided imagery and visualization.
As you sit quietly, let yourself sense your connection with the earth, a grounding as if you have energetic roots that are steady, deep and...
This talk & meditation addresses heightened anxiety & isolation due to the COVID–19 heath crisis.
In this episode we explore how the outer developments of humanity must be met with an inner development of consciousness. We talk about how meditation...
If ever there’s been a time for us to nourish our connection with each other and to explore the ways we can deepen our love...
Rick Rubin and Jack discuss the pandemic and Jack leads two short meditations on Rick’s podcast “Broken Record.”
You might also like: A Steady Heart in the Time of Coronavirus #1 Visit the Pandemic Resources page on my website for meditations & other...
“No matter how often I meditate, there are times when I struggle, and this week is one of them.”—Tim Ferriss
For this episode, we went back into the archives to just a few weeks after the events of 9/11 for a lesson on how we...
In this dharma talk, we discuss why the winter solstice is the perfect time to start anew and let what truly matters in your heart...
Who is your enemy? Mind is your enemy. No one can harm you more than a mind untrained. Who is your friend? Mind is...