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Do Not Despair

The Buddhist approach to this collective suffering is to turn toward it. We understand that genuine happiness and meaning will come through tending to suffering....

Audio: Mindful Loving Awareness

The invitation of mindfulness and loving awareness is really to be alive and present here on this earth and in this life in a wakeful...

Parenting As Practice

Parenting is a labor love. It’s a path of service and surrender and, like the practice of a Buddha or bodhisattva, it demands patience and...

Love Says We Are Everything

When we first hear them, the Buddhist teachings of non-self can arouse confusion or even fear. We might fear that non-self means the loss of...

Awakening to Your Buddha Nature

“O Nobly Born” the Buddhist texts begin, remember your Buddha Nature. Remember your innate capacity for dignity, understanding and vast compassion. These gifts were born...

Believe in Your Goodness

Robert Johnson, the noted Jungian analyst, acknowledges how difficult it is for many of us to believe in our goodness. We more easily take our...

Video: Love Dharma Talk

This is the last talk of ten. Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right...

Audio: Love Dharma Talk

When you meditate, the game is to sit and let the mind quiet, tend the heart, and begin to listen to life itself. The question...

Wonderful, Messy Failure

We all face praise and blame, joy and sorrow, gain and loss. To have compassion for your human vulnerability is a blessed, tender practice. Poet...

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