Heart Wisdom – Ep. 71 – The Essence of Buddhist Psychology: Cultivating Loving Awareness

From the beginning in Buddhist psychology, compassion and awareness are what went together. In order to be present for experience there has to be some element of kindness, otherwise you are judging it. But if you bring them together as loving awareness, then you are able to be present without manipulating or being in conflict with the experience the way that it is.

If you want to learn how to be wise and present, the first step is an intention to not harm yourself or others. The not harming yourself is equally important. I get people who are using, cutting and doing all kinds of self-destructive things because that is the only way they can tolerate their pain. So, it is not judging, but rather it becomes an invitation – does this lead to happiness or suffering? All of it, underlying, is to hold the vulnerability, the hurt, the pain and confusion in compassion.”

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