Heart Wisdom – Ep. 75 – Opening to Generosity

When we start to pay attention with mindfulness, we start seeing the illusion of separateness. This is also known as the small sense of self or the body of fear, what interferes with us seeing each other with the eyes of love and understanding. The outer developments of humanity that we rightfully celebrate now need to be matched by the inner developments of humanity – that’s our curriculum as humans.

Cultivating Capacity (17:20) – There is an aspect of spiritual life called fruition practice, in which we fully embrace the fact of our existence with gratitude and tend to that life accordingly. There are ways we can live up to the responsibilities that come with our precious lives by cultivating the qualities of love and generosity.

The Story of Your Gift (27:55) – What gift do you have to share with the world? Part of cultivating our generosity is recognizing what gifts we have to offer the world and to share them wholeheartedly. We talk about not only the importance of our own generosity but also allowing ourselves to receive the generosity of others.

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