Heart Wisdom – Ep. 280 –The Healing Breath: Reawakening the Body, Reconnecting with Life

Fostering the mind-body-heart connection, Jack shares how the healing breath reawakens the body and reconnects us with life.

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“Most of the destruction that modern society has caused in the world is the result of the mind being disconnected from the heart and the body.” – Jack Kornfield

In this episode of Heart Wisdom, Jack mindfully explores:
  • Using breath to live wisely and simply in this complex human existence
  • Good spiritual community as an island of peace and sanity
  • Seeing past negative fear politics and news media
  • A Charm to Use Against the Language of Politics
  • The Buddha on mindfulness of your life breath
  • Noting the subtle nuances of the breath in meditation
  • “Buddha in the palm of your hand” technique
  • Training the restless puppy of the mind
  • Using breath to reconnect body, heart, and mind
  • Short and simple guided breath practices
  • What the Cross and the Circle represent
  • Directing your breath to feel and open emotional wounds and dis-ease
  • Reawakening your body, and reconnecting with life, through breathing

“The art of being aware of breathing is really the art of reconnecting with our body, reconnecting with the movement of life.” – Jack Kornfield

“Gradually, the very process of coming back over and over a thousand times is the meditation itself. That’s the movement of resuming our true nature, just returning.” – Jack Kornfield

This Dharma Talk was originally recorded on 11/2/1992 at Insight Meditation Society.
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