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Video: Reconciliation Meditation

To recite the intention of reconciliation is to willingly plant a seed of reconnection and love in our heart. As we repeat each phrase, we...

Video: Calm and Ease Meditation

This meditation is for calming your heart and mind. Steady yourself by relaxing into the breath. When your breath becomes soft, let your attention become...

Video: Compassion & Equanimity Meditation

Equanimity is often taught as a complement to the practices of lovingkindness and compassion because it’s understood in Buddhist psychology that if we only practice...

Video: Heart of Compassion Meditation

Compassion is the tenderness of the heart when it encounters suffering. For the circle of compassion to flow it requires the care of those suffering...

Video: Steady Heart Meditation

As you sit quietly, let yourself sense your connection with the earth, a grounding as if you have energetic roots that are steady, deep and...

Audio: Worldwide Healing of Love

However difficult the times, suffering is not the end of the story—love is. May your spirit be strong. May you be safe and protected. May...

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