Video: Align Yourself with Goodness Meditation

YouTube video

If you find yourself in the midst of grief, anxiety, or frustration, you can respectfully acknowledge these feelings and then change the channel. You can connect with a parallel universe of abundance, generosity and joy. They are here in the present. As you sit, hold your body with loving awareness and thank it for all that it has carried. Tell your body “You can relax, I’m OK now.” Next, hold your great heart with loving awareness and thank it for all it holds. Let your body be at ease, your heart soften. The mind that has been so busy—thank it for trying to protect you. Invite your mind to relax. Say “I’m OK just now.” Envision a field of goodness—there are a billion acts of goodness happening in the world right now by parents, children, friends, teachers, nurses, doctors, artists, cooks, healers—so many of us tending one another with love.

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This meditation was originally livestreamed by Spirit Rock on 10/26/20.

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