Video: A Peaceful Heart In A Time Of War And The Legacy Of Thich Nhat Hanh
As it says in the Buddhist teachings, in this world, hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed. Make prayers. Make blessings....
As it says in the Buddhist teachings, in this world, hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed. Make prayers. Make blessings....
May your struggles and sorrows be eased. May you be safe and protected. May your heart be at peace. May your life be at peace.
Our meditation—our spiritual life—it’s not about becoming a good meditator. It’s about one breath at a time, one day, one moment. This is an invitation...
We are spiritual beings incarnated into human form. We need to remember our zip code as well as our Buddha nature. We are creatures of...
Don’t think that the seeds that you plant won’t make a difference. With equanimity, with a peaceful heart and a vast mind, you water the...
It’s an important time to come together. We don’t want outer conflicts to take over the heart. Then we can venture into the conflict of...
During these challenging times it’s important to steady our hearts so we can tend ourselves and then respond and tend the world around us from...
This meditation is for calming your heart and mind. Steady yourself by relaxing into the breath. When your breath becomes soft, let your attention become...
What is the peaceful heart? What keeps us from it? The near-enemy, the quality that masquerades as equanimity, is indifference. Indifference is a not-caring, it’s...
This dharma talk explores how the combination of compassion and equanimity can give rise to a peaceful heart even in times of turmoil and great...
“No matter how often I meditate, there are times when I struggle, and this week is one of them.”—Tim Ferriss
Peace is possible. We can step out of the struggle with ourselves, with our judgments and fears and inner conflicts. We can learn to live...