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Remembering Wes “Scoop” Nisker

My close dear friend, colleague, and spiritual brother, Wes Nisker died a few days ago. I loved him. I miss his smile and his friendship...

Video: Dharma Talk on Death

How can we find a freedom of heart in this world of birth and death? We can start by acknowledging that everything is subject to...

Loving Ram Dass

  After I got the call that Ram Dass had died yesterday, I closed my eyes.He is still here.I could feel the vast field of...

Fearing Death

If you understand—things are just as they are. If you do not understand—things are just as they are. —Zen saying From the universal perspective, all...

Video: Living a Full Life

Jack Kornfield and Frank Ostaseski discuss what it means to live a full life during a Monday night dharma talk at Spirit Rock. “In any...

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