Video: What Makes a Wise & Just Society?
How can we mindfully navigate this life? The outer developments of humanity must be matched by inner developments. At this time, we are, as the...
How can we mindfully navigate this life? The outer developments of humanity must be matched by inner developments. At this time, we are, as the... Notice how love, generosity, flexibility, ease, and simplicity are natural to us. These states are important to notice. They give us trust in...
“In this world, hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed. This is the ancient and
eternal law.”—Buddha
Jack sat down with Benedictine monk, Brother David Steindl-Rast, to discuss the topic of grateful living.
Taken from the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, Jack sits down with CEO Bill Ford.
Jack sat down with Oprah on “SuperSoul Sunday” and answered the questions: What is Buddhism? How can it help your daily life? Is it a...