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Audio: Love Dharma Talk

When you meditate, the game is to sit and let the mind quiet, tend the heart, and begin to listen to life itself. The question...

Audio: Forgiveness Meditation

Forgiveness is both necessary and possible. It is never too late to find forgiveness and start again. Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for...

Audio: A Mind Like Sky Meditation

Meditation comes alive through a growing capacity to release our habitual entanglement in the stories and plans, conflicts and worries that make up the small...

Audio: Meditation on Equanimity

Equanimity is a wonderful quality, a spaciousness and balance of heart. Although it grows naturally with our meditation practice, equanimity can also be cultivated in...

Video: Forgiveness Meditation

Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for the development of forgiveness. Like the practice of compassion, forgiveness does not ignore the truth of our...

Meditation on Compassion

May you be held in compassion. To cultivate compassion, let yourself sit in a centered and quiet way. In this traditional form of practice you...

Video: Right Effort

Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right effort, patience, truthfulness, resolve, equanimity, and loving-kindness....

Video: Living a Full Life

Jack Kornfield and Frank Ostaseski discuss what it means to live a full life during a Monday night dharma talk at Spirit Rock. “In any...

Meditation On Lovingkindness

  May I be filled with lovingkindness “I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness.” – Walt...

Video: Guided Meditation

The practice of meditation does not ask us to become a Buddhist or a meditator or a spiritual person. It invites us to fulfill the...

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