Dharma Talks


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Video: Courage in Our Difficult Time

The value of our harshest difficulties is how honestly they cause us to question, how they intensify our courage and bring alive our deepest inner...

Video: Calm, Clarity, Compassion

We can choose to live in our fears, confusion, and worries, or to stay in the essence of our practice, center ourselves, and be the...

Audio: Mindful Loving Awareness

The invitation of mindfulness and loving awareness is really to be alive and present here on this earth and in this life in a wakeful...

Audio: The Joy of Virtue

Conscious conduct or virtue, means acting harmoniously and with care toward the life around us. For spiritual practice to develop, it is absolutely essential that...

Audio: The Generous Heart

To cultivate generosity directly is another fundamental part of living a spiritual life. Like meditation, generosity can actually be practiced. With practice, its spirit forms...

Video: Love Dharma Talk

This is the last talk of ten. Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right...

Audio: Love Dharma Talk

When you meditate, the game is to sit and let the mind quiet, tend the heart, and begin to listen to life itself. The question...

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