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Audio: Gratitude Meditation

The gate to human well-being and transformation swings open when we practice living with a grateful heart. When we find gratitude, we find freedom and...

Naming the Wanting Mind

This human world is sometimes called the desire realm because so much of it runs on desire and wanting. How to relate wisely with desire...

Radiate Love

In a psychology of liberation, selflessness is a therapeutic necessity. Even though the whole concept may seem initially frightening and confusing, it is really quite...

Wise Society

Trudy and I have had the privilege of staying at Montagne-Alternative, a visionary community high in the Swiss Alps. The community has rebuilt an ancient...

Human Flourishing

How can we foster peace and understanding, compassion and well-being for humans and for all beings? We know this is possible individually. In our practice...

Happiness Now

After more than 40 years teaching mindfulness and compassion to thousands on the spiritual path, the most important message I can offer is this: You...

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