Heart Wisdom – Ep. 73 – The Garden of the Heart

Tending the Garden of the Heart (Opening) – Our mindfulness and meditation practice is a practice of gardening the heart. What can happen to the suffering in the world if we spread the seeds of compassion and love?

“There are ways where we step out of the small sense of self, what is called the body of fear – the separateness, and feel ourselves to be part of something so much greater.”

Slowly, Slowly: A Gradual Awakening (11:45) – We look at the gradual forward momentum of spiritual practice—the slow sowing of the seeds of practice which bears the fruit of liberation.

“If the seeds that we plant have been tended with wise effort as the oxen and the rain of compassion then the beautiful fruit will come – the fruit of the freedom of heart and well-being.”

Obstacles Along the Path (21:00) – We examine some of the difficulties we face along the spiritual path which prevents our inner garden from flourishing as it should. We look at what happens when we meet these obstacles with love instead of resistance.

“You have in you the seeds of great compassion, the seeds of wisdom and care for others. Meditation then is not to make some special experience, but it is to learn how to tend the garden of the heart and to water the seeds of kindness and presence in your own heart.”

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