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Video: Steady Heart Meditation

As you sit quietly, let yourself sense your connection with the earth, a grounding as if you have energetic roots that are steady, deep and...

Steady the Mind

  Who is your enemy? Mind is your enemy. No one can harm you more than a mind untrained. Who is your friend? Mind is...

Learning from Doubt

When we learn about doubt in meditation, we can then learn to face doubt wisely in our life. Here’s how to start: begin by looking...

Awakening to Your Buddha Nature

“O Nobly Born” the Buddhist texts begin, remember your Buddha Nature. Remember your innate capacity for dignity, understanding and vast compassion. These gifts were born...

Video: Right Effort

Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right effort, patience, truthfulness, resolve, equanimity, and loving-kindness....

Practicing the Dharma In Uncertain Times

When times are uncertain, difficult, fearful, full of change, they become the perfect place to deepen the practice of awakening. After viewing the elections….whatever your...

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