Video: The Forgiving Heart Dharma Talk
How do we touch our measure of suffering? With a forgiving heart. Step out of the tyranny of self-judgment. Forgive yourself for being a learner...
How do we touch our measure of suffering? With a forgiving heart. Step out of the tyranny of self-judgment. Forgive yourself for being a learner...
Try to meet each breath with lovingkindness and loving awareness. Wish calm and peace for yourself and beings everywhere, far and near. Rest in stillness...
May you be held in compassion. May your struggles and sorrows be eased. May your heart be at peace.
May you be joyful. May you remember that child of spirit that was born in you. May your joy increase. May the causes for happiness...
To recite the intention of reconciliation is to willingly plant a seed of reconnection and love in our heart. As we repeat each phrase, we...
In this dharma talk, we explore mudita. Mudita invites us to open a channel to joy, delight, and creativity. Joy arises, like the Buddha sitting...
“Live in joy, in love, even among those who hate. Live in joy, in health, even among the afflicted. Live in joy, in peace, even...
Take whatever gifts of understanding your body and heart and spirit offer, and the quieting of your mind and tending of your heart and breath,...
To recite the intention of reconciliation is to willingly plant a seed of reconnection and love in our heart. As we repeat each phrase, we...
Conflict is natural—we can be attached to our needs, desires, ideas and visions. Our brains are wired with a negativity bias to look for things...
In this 12-minute episode, celebrated Buddhist mindfulness teacher Jack Kornfield offers up a lovingkindness meditation from Omega’s 2013 Neuroscience of Well-being, Mindfulness & Love Workshop...
With each breath in, fill your body and being with lovingkindness for yourself. With each breath out, sense you are sending love out to the...