Video: The Forgiving Heart Dharma Talk

YouTube video

There’s a truth and reality deeper than conflict. We are not the stories we tell ourselves. How do we touch our measure of suffering? With a forgiving heart. Step out of the tyranny of self-judgment. Forgive yourself for being a learner in this life.

Three principles of wise forgiveness of others:
1. Forgiveness is not weak, naïve. It’s not “forgive or forget.” It takes real courage. Forgiveness does not condone what happened nor allow it to continue.
2. Forgiveness is not quick. It is often a long, difficult, tender process of the heart digesting the pain of what happened.
3. Forgiveness is not for them—it’s for you. It’s about our own heart not being chained to the past.

Sometimes it’s your loving heart that opens your broken heart. We can let go. We can put down the burden of resentment. We can live with a gracious heart.


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This talk was originally livestreamed by Spirit Rock on 9/20/21.

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