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Video: Seeing Anew

Meditation can help us release old habits of mind and see life in a new way.

Turning Toward Our Essence (Part One)

“Who are we, really?” the Zen koans demand, “Who is dragging this body around?” or “What was your original face before your parents were born?”...

Awakening to Pure Consciousness

Let us consider the unbounded sky or mirror-like nature of consciousness. We need to be practical. Our first task is to learn to distinguish the...

The Two Dimensions of Consciousness

But this mirror is only one aspect of consciousness. Consciousness, like light, has two dimensions. Just as light can be described as both a wave...

Practice: Visualization

To work with a sacred image, choose someone who inspires you, St. Francis or Kwan Yin the goddess of infinite mercy, Jesus or Mary, Buddha...

The Unique Expression of True Self

In awakening our Buddha nature, we find that there is one further aspect of self to understand, the need to honor our personal destiny. This...

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