Video: Open, Spacious Awareness Meditation
Reflect on the value of a peaceful heart. What is it like to have a peaceful heart among the worldly winds of praise and blame,...
Reflect on the value of a peaceful heart. What is it like to have a peaceful heart among the worldly winds of praise and blame,...
Let yourself become loving awareness itself. Feel yourself relax with each breath. You can nourish, connect, and come to rest.
Let yourself become loving awareness itself. Feel yourself relax with each breath. You can nourish, connect, and come to rest.
Notice that you’re not your body, feelings, thoughts. You are the loving witness, you are consciousness itself. You are the loving awareness that acknowledges the...
Gently acknowledge any strong waves of thought or emotion that pull you away from the breath. Let them rise and fall, then return to breath....
Let the field of loving awareness open, so the heart knows you can listen to the world around you with tender care. By listening with...
Waves arise naturally on the surface of the vast ocean without troubling its depth. This meditation is an invitation to make your mind like the...
You are consciousness itself—open, spacious, letting the breath breathe itself. Notice how emotions, feelings and thoughts rise and fall like the waves of the ocean;...
In any moment you can become the loving witness—it’s why we sit in meditation. We learn to sit with both heartbreak and love—with whatever arises....
May you be held in compassion. May your struggles and sorrows be eased. May your heart be at peace.
Walking meditation is another way to develop calm, connectedness, and embodied awareness. It can be practiced regularly, before or after sitting meditation, or any time...
To recite the intention of reconciliation is to willingly plant a seed of reconnection and love in our heart. As we repeat each phrase, we...