[Video] Heart Wisdom – Ep. 266 – Election Decompression: ‘A Loving Presence Amidst It All’ Guided Meditation

Offering decompression from post-election intensity, Jack shares a guided meditation helping us maintain a mindful loving presence amidst it all.

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“The seasons turn, elections come and go, whole nations and civilization arise for a time and pass. You are the witness to consciousness, the loving awareness that sees the mystery of arising and passing, and holds it all with love.” – Jack Kornfield

In this fresh episode, Jack leads a guided meditation on:
  • Decompressing from the intensity of the election
  • Taking your noble seat amidst life’s Eight Worldly Winds and play of opposites
  • Feeling a stable and centered presence wherever you are
  • Resting in a quiet, open, mindful loving awareness
  • Feeling a true sense of loving kindness right here
  • Becoming consciousness itself, vast, timeless, spacious
  • Witnessing the arising and passing of all, and holding it all in love

“With loving kindness, notice the energy of the mind—the stream of thoughts and plans, ideas, worries, imaginings, analysis, understandings, stories, images—a river of thoughts, feelings, images, and words. You can hold it all in loving kindness and say, ‘Thank you for all that work, I’m okay just now, you can relax.’” – Jack Kornfield

This episode was originally recorded for the Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday Night Dharma Talk and Guided Meditation Livestream on 11/11/24. Learn more about Spirit Rock’s offerings here. Join Jack’s next event here.
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