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You Are Not Alone

You are not alone. In fact, your life itself is only possible because of the thousands of generations before you, survivors who have carried the...

Video: Dharma Talk on Death

How can we find a freedom of heart in this world of birth and death? We can start by acknowledging that everything is subject to...

The Wisdom of Insecurity

We can plan, we can care for, tend and respond. But we cannot control. Instead we take a breath, and open to what is unfolding,...

Audio: Refuge in Difficult Times

In times of stress, it’s important to discover ways to quiet our minds and tend our hearts. This meditation and visualization can help us cultivate...

Navigating Rough Waters

Living our highest intentions can happen in great ways or in what may seem small—yet critical—ways of refusing to be conquered by the difficulties that...

Mindfulness of Feelings

Feelings are ever-present. They are a mysterious and rich dimension of our human life. But without mindfulness of them we can react automatically, habitually clinging...

Courage of the Heart

Very often what nourishes our spirit most is what brings us face to face with our greatest limitations and difficulties. Every life has periods and...

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