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Video: Election Day Dharma Talk

It’s an important time to come together. We don’t want outer conflicts to take over the heart. Then we can venture into the conflict of...

Moral Action and the Dharma

As a nation and a globe, we are going through divisive and painful times. Now is the season to stand up for what matters. To...

Video: Love in Action

Enjoy this free replay of a remarkable evening of shared teachings during which author and activist Valarie Kaur, mindfulness coach George Mumford, meditation teacher Tara...

The Bodhisattva’s Path

The way of the bodhisattva is one of the most radical and powerful of all Buddhist forms of practice. It is radical because it states...

The World Needs Your Love

Guilt and anger and fear are part of the problem. If you want to save the world, save it because you love it! —Gary Snyder...

Time for Truth and Reconciliation

I imagine that one of the reasons that people cling to their hate and prejudice so stubbornly is because they sense that once hate is...

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