Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, India, and Burma. He holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is a founding teacher of the Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California. He is one of the key teachers to introduce mindfulness practice to the West, has taught internationally since 1974, and is the author of 16 books which have sold 2 million copies.

“Jack is one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time.”

– Alice WaLker
The children's Bodhisattva, Mr. Rogers, describes how his mother taught him to see the disasters of the world in a new way. Instead of focusing just on the tragedy and loss, look for the helpers.
Spiritual life is not about possessing or finding security, but rather it's discovering what Alan Watts called the Wisdom of Insecurity – the capacity for to live from freedom and compassion of heart no matter the circumstances.
What you most deeply long for is who you are, is coming back to your own heart, to your own beauty, your own wellbeing that you were born with, to that secret beauty.
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Mindfulness Meditation: The Fundamentals

This self-paced program includes 31 lessons bundled into eight sessions. Jack will show you how to skillfully practice the most valuable mindfulness and compassion meditations, including breath, body, feelings and thoughts and more. This is...

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