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Accepting One’s Quirky Personality

No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement. —Florida Scott-Maxwell Looking closely at personality and temperament is...

Meditation On Lovingkindness

  May I be filled with lovingkindness “I am larger, better than I thought; I did not know I held so much goodness.” – Walt...

Video: Learning to Surf

With mindfulness, we are learning to observe in a new way, with balance and a powerful disidentification. We can begin to sense and observe the...

Video: Guided Meditation

The practice of meditation does not ask us to become a Buddhist or a meditator or a spiritual person. It invites us to fulfill the...

Patience is the Wrong Word

Patience has a certain impatience built into it. In Zen the word is “constancy.” Instead of patience, constancy is a kind of dedication to what...

Forgiveness Repairs the World

Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for the development of forgiveness.  Like the practice of compassion, forgiveness does not ignore the truth of our...

Awaken the Buddha Within

The karmic patterns that we create through our hearts transcend the limitations of time and space. To awaken the heart of compassion and wisdom in...

Video: Seeing Anew

Meditation can help us release old habits of mind and see life in a new way.

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