loving awareness


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Video: The Forgiving Heart Meditation

Try to meet each breath with lovingkindness and loving awareness. Wish calm and peace for yourself and beings everywhere, far and near. Rest in stillness...

Video: Loving Witness Meditation

You are consciousness itself—open, spacious, letting the breath breathe itself. Notice how emotions, feelings and thoughts rise and fall like the waves of the ocean;...

Video: Loving Witness Dharma Talk

In any moment you can become the loving witness—it’s why we sit in meditation. We learn to sit with both heartbreak and love—with whatever arises....

Mindfulness of Feelings

Feelings are ever-present. They are a mysterious and rich dimension of our human life. But without mindfulness of them we can react automatically, habitually clinging...

Video: Loving Awareness Meditation

To recite the intention of reconciliation is to willingly plant a seed of reconnection and love in our heart. As we repeat each phrase, we...

Video: Reconciliation Meditation

To recite the intention of reconciliation is to willingly plant a seed of reconnection and love in our heart. As we repeat each phrase, we...

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