Letting Go


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Letting Go

When we consider loving well and living fully, we can see the ways our attachments and fears have limited us, and we can see the...

Honoring Grief

Grief is one of the heart’s natural responses to loss. When we grieve we allow ourselves to feel the truth of our pain, the measure...

Retreat is a Benevolent Rest

Even a short period of retreat is a benevolent rest, a stepping outside of busy daily routines and our ordinary identity. Released from the tyranny...

When Fear Arises

When fear arises, whether it’s fear of pain, fear of certain emotions, or fear of death, the meditation practice of mindful loving awareness invites us...

Letting Go of Repetitive Thoughts

Whatever we regularly think colors our experience—all day, every day. Once we start to watch these thoughts, we discover that 90% of them are reruns.

Video: The Forgiving Heart Meditation

Try to meet each breath with lovingkindness and loving awareness. Wish calm and peace for yourself and beings everywhere, far and near. Rest in stillness...

Audio: Letting Go Meditation

The art of living wisely requires us to learn to let go. But how can we do so? Sometimes we need more love or forgiveness....

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