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Video: The Forgiving Heart Meditation

Try to meet each breath with lovingkindness and loving awareness. Wish calm and peace for yourself and beings everywhere, far and near. Rest in stillness...

Awakening Self-Compassion

Hold yourself as a mother holds her beloved child. —Buddha We are so quick to judge one another. And just as we are hard on...

Audio: Letting Go Meditation

The art of living wisely requires us to learn to let go. But how can we do so? Sometimes we need more love or forgiveness....

The Practice of Forgiveness

Hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed. This is the ancient and eternal law. —Buddha Without forgiveness we are chained to...

Awakening Love

The Buddha taught that we can develop loving-kindness by visualizing how a caring mother holds her beloved child. Love is our true nature, but it...

Human Flourishing

How can we foster peace and understanding, compassion and well-being for humans and for all beings? We know this is possible individually. In our practice...

Healing the Heart

Just as we open and heal the body by sensing its rhythms and touching it with a deep and kind attention, so we can open...

Audio: Forgiveness Meditation

Forgiveness is both necessary and possible. It is never too late to find forgiveness and start again. Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for...

Video: Forgiveness Meditation

Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for the development of forgiveness. Like the practice of compassion, forgiveness does not ignore the truth of our...

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