Jack Kornfield on The Duncan Trussell Family Hour – Ep. 379
Trudy Goodman, Duncan Trussell & Jack Kornfield discuss the coronavirus pandemic. April 10, 2020
Trudy Goodman, Duncan Trussell & Jack Kornfield discuss the coronavirus pandemic. April 10, 2020
One of the best things that we can do in difficult times like these is to go deep inside, deep into the timeless sense of...
During times of difficulty, it is crucial to find ways to steady the heart, to connect compassionately with ourselves and with each other.
You might also like: A Steady Heart in the Time of Coronavirus #1 Visit the Pandemic Resources page on my website for meditations & other...
Epidemics, like earthquakes, tornadoes and floods are part of the cycle of life on planet Earth. How will we respond? With greed, hatred, fear and...
How can we mindfully navigate difficult times? With Dan Harris, Ten Percent Happier Live on 3/20/20.
This 13-minute practice is a way to hold yourself and all those around you in a heart of compassion. Visit the Pandemic Resources page on...
Here is a 13-minute practice to steady your heart in the time of coronavirus.
“No matter how often I meditate, there are times when I struggle, and this week is one of them.”—Tim Ferriss
For this episode, we went back into the archives to just a few weeks after the events of 9/11 for a lesson on how we...
Much of human suffering is caused by greed, hatred, fear and ignorance. When we let go of greed, hatred, fear and ignorance, and hold the...
Wisdom is not knowing but being. The Christian mystics instructed seekers to enter the Cloud of Unknowing with a trusting heart. The wise heart is...