dharma talk


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Video: The Peaceful Heart

This dharma talk explores how the combination of compassion and equanimity can give rise to a peaceful heart even in times of turmoil and great...

Video: Love Dharma Talk

This is the last talk of ten. Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right...

Audio: Love Dharma Talk

When you meditate, the game is to sit and let the mind quiet, tend the heart, and begin to listen to life itself. The question...

Audio: The Bodhisattva Dharma Talk

“We are not separate, we are interdependent,” declared the Buddha. When the world is seen with the eyes of a bodhisattva, there is no I...

Video: Generosity Dharma Talk

  https://vimeo.com/149467001 Notice how love, generosity, flexibility, ease, and simplicity are natural to us. These states are important to notice. They give us trust in...

Audio: The Ten Perfections Dharma Talk

Contemplating the perfections of the Buddha (such as generosity, morality, concentration, loving-kindness, and wisdom) and investigating the ways in which he developed these qualities may...

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