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Awakening to Your Buddha Nature

“O Nobly Born” the Buddhist texts begin, remember your Buddha Nature. Remember your innate capacity for dignity, understanding and vast compassion. These gifts were born...

Believe in Your Goodness

Robert Johnson, the noted Jungian analyst, acknowledges how difficult it is for many of us to believe in our goodness. We more easily take our...

Learning the Middle Path

“Learning the Middle Path, the life of balance, allows the heart’s natural awareness and compassion to grow. We become free and gracious.” – Jack Kornfield...

Right Understanding

The path of awakening begins with a step the Buddha called right understanding. Right understanding has two parts. To start with, it asks a question...

The Temple of Healing

We all need healing at different times in our lives. Sometimes we need healing for physical illness. At other times, we need to heal the...

Open to Mystery

  Marcel Proust once said, “The real voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Buddhist practice gives us...

Video: Right Effort

Throughout 2017, Jack spoke about the ten paramis, or perfections of a buddha: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, right effort, patience, truthfulness, resolve, equanimity, and loving-kindness....

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