Heart Wisdom – Ep. 237 – Discovering Peace Within Yourself

Uncovering how to find joy and freedom in any situation, Jack shares the roadmap for discovering peace within yourself.

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“Peace is the cessation of your struggle, it’s putting down the burden and letting things be as they actually are.” – Jack Kornfield

In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:
  • Learning to be at peace with yourself and the world
  • How to meditate when it feels like you can’t meditate
  • The way emptiness connects with compassion
  • Reconciling where peace meets struggle
  • Peace as an internal state you can bring with you
  • Being Here Now, opening to life fully, and becoming intimate with all things
  • How we can find joy, liberation, and freedom in any situation
  • Dharma stories of the Buddha as well as the Bodhisattva Vimalakīrti
  • Coming to terms with the First Noble Truth of suffering, disappointment, and change
  • The transformative power of meeting life exactly as it is
  • What we can learn from both a “Duck Meditation,” “Goose Poem,” and a Tibetan Prayer
  • Love and it’s connection with courage

“We can’t come to rest because we’re at war with what’s actually here.” – Jack Kornfield

“To enter into the unknown is really to enter into the moment.” – Jack Kornfield

This Dharma Talk was originally recorded on 12/01/1989 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.
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