Heart Wisdom – Ep. 237 – Discovering Peace Within Yourself
Uncovering how to find joy and freedom in any situation, Jack shares the roadmap for discovering peace within yourself.
Uncovering how to find joy and freedom in any situation, Jack shares the roadmap for discovering peace within yourself.
Author and Buddhist practitioner Jack Kornfield sits down for a candid, in-depth interview to help you suppress self-doubt and find inner calm. Calling on decades...
Hold yourself as a mother holds her beloved child. —Buddha We are so quick to judge one another. And just as we are hard on...
Dan Harris and I discuss trauma, lovingkindness, self-compassion, judgment, identity and more.
Imperfections are part of the display of life. Joy and sorrow, birth and death are the dance of existence throughout which our awakened consciousness can...
In 1989, at one of the first international Buddhist teacher meetings, we Western teachers brought up the enormous problem of unworthiness and self-criticism, shame...
Robert Johnson, the noted Jungian analyst, acknowledges how difficult it is for many of us to believe in our goodness. We more easily take our...
We all face praise and blame, joy and sorrow, gain and loss. To have compassion for your human vulnerability is a blessed, tender practice. Poet...
No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement. —Florida Scott-Maxwell Looking closely at personality and temperament is...
An Interview with Jack featured in TheFix.com. Have you worked with people struggling with substance and behavioral addictions? Over the years, many people struggling with...
Meditation brings you into a deep communion with your own body and heart, but what happens when you are sick or in pain? With Guided...
Forgiveness is possible. On The Beginner’s Guide to Forgiveness, author Jack Kornfield explores why forgiveness, personally and globally, is essential to our health and happiness,...