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Trusting the Living Universe

There are a few basic principles for learning how to open our stuck places and release the contradictions of the body of fear. The first...

The Wisdom of Insecurity

We can plan, we can care for, tend and respond. But we cannot control. Instead we take a breath, and open to what is unfolding,...

Audio: Meditations On Trust

“Enlightenment is one with the trusting heart.”- Zen proverb You can learn to trust the big picture, you can learn to trust your inner knowing,...

From Self-Hate to Compassion

  In 1989, at one of the first international Buddhist teacher meetings, we Western teachers brought up the enormous problem of unworthiness and self-criticism, shame...

Awakening to Your Buddha Nature

“O Nobly Born” the Buddhist texts begin, remember your Buddha Nature. Remember your innate capacity for dignity, understanding and vast compassion. These gifts were born...

Happiness Now

After more than 40 years teaching mindfulness and compassion to thousands on the spiritual path, the most important message I can offer is this: You...

Audio: A Mind Like Sky Meditation

Meditation comes alive through a growing capacity to release our habitual entanglement in the stories and plans, conflicts and worries that make up the small...

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