Jack Kornfield on The Duncan Trussell Family Hour – Ep. 379
Trudy Goodman, Duncan Trussell & Jack Kornfield discuss the coronavirus pandemic. April 10, 2020
Trudy Goodman, Duncan Trussell & Jack Kornfield discuss the coronavirus pandemic. April 10, 2020
A special conversation with Josefa Rangel, M.D., and Taoist master Cain Carroll.
The purpose of a retreat is to follow a formal rhythm of practice that allows you to center yourself, tend your body, quiet your mind,...
If we want to act wisely in the world, the first step is to learn to quiet the mind. If our actions are born from...
Let the breath be natural. Let the heart be soft to receive whatever arises with compassion. Now with this embodied presence, begin to notice the...
Jack sat down with Duncan Trussell for his podcast The Duncan Trussell Family Hour to talk about the Dec. 2019 retreat with Ram Dass in...
Who are we? In this dharma talk, we examine the mystery of identity and how meditation can open us up to the freedom of resting...
In this podcast I’m joined by Chade-Meng Tan for an exploration of how spiritual practice and the search inside ourselves can guide us through our...
Every morning I awaken torn between the desire to save the world and the inclination to savor it.— E.B. White Spiritual life may initially be...
One of the important qualities of a meditative life, or opening one’s self to a spiritual dimension, is that it is an opening to beauty,...
If the liberation of consciousness is the goal of spiritual practice, then why is it such a taboo to talk about actually reaching enlightenment in...
As we reflect on the difficult and divisive time that the world finds itself in, let’s look at the ways that inner development, through mindfulness...