Heart Wisdom – Ep. 107 – Change and Regeneration with Paul Hawken
How can we live with a Bodhisattva heart in these hard times? You can choose to quiet your mind and tend your heart, and become...
How can we live with a Bodhisattva heart in these hard times? You can choose to quiet your mind and tend your heart, and become...
Wisdom is not knowing but being. The Christian mystics instructed seekers to enter the Cloud of Unknowing with a trusting heart. The wise heart is...
After I got the call that Ram Dass had died yesterday, I closed my eyes.He is still here.I could feel the vast field of...
In this dharma talk, we examine how to be in this human incarnation and navigate the river of impermanence. There’s a way in which we...
Who is your enemy? Mind is your enemy. No one can harm you more than a mind untrained. Who is your friend? Mind is...
In this dharma talk, fellow teacher Mark Coleman joins me for an exploration of ways that we can harmonize with impermanence by meeting change with...
We are always in transition, each new day is a rebirth. This pith instruction from the Tibetan Book of the Dead invites us to let...
When we learn about doubt in meditation, we can then learn to face doubt wisely in our life. Here’s how to start: begin by looking...
When great loss comes, the heart needs to grieve. We need to find a way to honor and tend our grief, to respect its deep...
The present moment is the doorway to true calm. It is the only place you can love or awaken—the eternal present. You cannot know the...
This human world is sometimes called the desire realm because so much of it runs on desire and wanting. How to relate wisely with desire...
If you understand—things are just as they are. If you do not understand—things are just as they are. —Zen saying From the universal perspective, all...