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Video: Joy (Mudita) Meditation

May you be joyful. May you remember that child of spirit that was born in you. May your joy increase. May the causes for happiness...

Awakening Self-Compassion

Hold yourself as a mother holds her beloved child. —Buddha We are so quick to judge one another. And just as we are hard on...

Video: Joy (Mudita) Dharma Talk

“Live in joy, in love, even among those who hate. Live in joy, in health, even among the afflicted. Live in joy, in peace, even...

Natural Joy

When love meets pain it becomes compassion. When love meets happiness, it becomes joy. Joy is an expression of the awakened heart, a quality of...

The Sacred Pause

Because experience happens so quickly, habitual responses can come out of our mouth before we know it. It helps to train ourselves to pause before...

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