00:00 Start
00:03:12 Apathy and polarization
00:04:43 Truth beneath anger
00:19:17 Ajahn Chah and contractor-ese
00:23:18 Retuning the tone of rage
00:29:13 Coping with trauma-induced hypervigilance
00:37:43 Making group therapeutic models work
00:44:11 In any effort to make the world better, put on your oxygen mask first
00:50:39 How can an aspiring Bodhisattva cut through widespread disengagement and apathy?
01:01:46 Thich Nhat Hanh and death
01:13:35 Out-of-body experiences
01:18:27 “A Brief for the Defense”
01:23:12 A guided meditation for recapturing the adventure and joy of childhood
01:38:58 The benefits of loving-kindness meditation
01:48:10 “Last year, foolish monk. This year, no change.”