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Audio: The Joy of Virtue

Conscious conduct or virtue, means acting harmoniously and with care toward the life around us. For spiritual practice to develop, it is absolutely essential that...

Awakening to Your Buddha Nature

“O Nobly Born” the Buddhist texts begin, remember your Buddha Nature. Remember your innate capacity for dignity, understanding and vast compassion. These gifts were born...

Time for Truth and Reconciliation

I imagine that one of the reasons that people cling to their hate and prejudice so stubbornly is because they sense that once hate is...

The Truth about Suffering

Without understanding the source of suffering, human beings strive to gain happiness by possessiveness and greed, through violence and hatred. We act out of delusion...

Video: Guided Meditation

The practice of meditation does not ask us to become a Buddhist or a meditator or a spiritual person. It invites us to fulfill the...

The Inner Art of Meditation

Meditation is not a means of self-improvement. It is a way of discovering the truth and relating to it with compassion and honesty. Awaken to...

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