Practicing the Dharma In Uncertain Times
When times are uncertain, difficult, fearful, full of change, they become the perfect place to deepen the practice of awakening. After viewing the elections….whatever your...
When times are uncertain, difficult, fearful, full of change, they become the perfect place to deepen the practice of awakening. After viewing the elections….whatever your...
Patience has a certain impatience built into it. In Zen the word is “constancy.” Instead of patience, constancy is a kind of dedication to what...
The qualities of leadership taught by the Buddha are: generosity, integrity, non-harming, steadiness, sacrifice, patience, inclusiveness, vision, trust and loving awareness.
Jhana states are two sets of stable states of absorption concentration and insight concentration outlined in Buddhist psychology. These states are so central to the...
First, sit quietly for a few minutes. Now reflect on the times in your life when you are most absorbed, concentrated and fully present. They...
“It is through the cultivation of inner concentration that luminous purity of mind arises. It is through luminous purity that access to expanded states arise....
Learning to concentrate, though initially difficult, works. Gradually, through repeated focus on our subject over hours and days, the mind’s wandering diminishes. It settles down...
The gateway to both the Realms of Absorption and the Realms of Dissolution is a stabilization of heart and mind called access concentration. Access concentration...
Out of a foundation of conscious conduct, the first steps of the mindful way, grows the second aspect of the path, which is called the...