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Letting Go of Repetitive Thoughts

Whatever we regularly think colors our experience—all day, every day. Once we start to watch these thoughts, we discover that 90% of them are reruns.

Video: Loving Witness Meditation

You are consciousness itself—open, spacious, letting the breath breathe itself. Notice how emotions, feelings and thoughts rise and fall like the waves of the ocean;...

Video: Loving Witness Dharma Talk

In any moment you can become the loving witness—it’s why we sit in meditation. We learn to sit with both heartbreak and love—with whatever arises....

Navigating Rough Waters

Living our highest intentions can happen in great ways or in what may seem small—yet critical—ways of refusing to be conquered by the difficulties that...

Audio: Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is another way to develop calm, connectedness, and embodied awareness. It can be practiced regularly, before or after sitting meditation, or any time...

Audio: Grounding Practice

Do this grounding practice for 3-5 minutes at different times of the day to steady yourself. With each breath, exhale tension. Let yourself imagine that...

Video: Joy (Mudita) Dharma Talk

“Live in joy, in love, even among those who hate. Live in joy, in health, even among the afflicted. Live in joy, in peace, even...

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