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When Fear Arises

When fear arises, whether it’s fear of pain, fear of certain emotions, or fear of death, the meditation practice of mindful loving awareness invites us...

Patience is the Wrong Word

Patience has a certain impatience built into it. In Zen the word is “constancy.” Instead of patience, constancy is a kind of dedication to what...

Video: Wise Leadership

The qualities of leadership taught by the Buddha are: generosity, integrity, non-harming, steadiness, sacrifice, patience, inclusiveness, vision, trust and loving awareness.

Honesty and a Non-Contentious Heart

The Buddha’s teachings point to a non-contentious heart.  “There is gain and loss, slander and honor, praise and blame, pleasure and pain; the awakened ones...

Mindfulness As Fearless Presence

The art of living is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each...

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