Do Not Despair
The Buddhist approach to this collective suffering is to turn toward it. We understand that genuine happiness and meaning will come through tending to suffering....
The Buddhist approach to this collective suffering is to turn toward it. We understand that genuine happiness and meaning will come through tending to suffering....
We revisit the adventure from the Upanishads of Nachiketa and his odyssey to meet with the Lord of Death. We look at the wisdom to...
These teachings welcome you all, whatever particular body you were born into. Whatever your class or sexual orientation or race. The gates of the Dharma...
Just as we open and heal the body by sensing its rhythms and touching it with a deep and kind attention, so we can open...
The opposite of aggression is not passivity, it is true strength. When we have lost a sense of our innate nobility,we mistakenly believe in our...
Having a hard day? Try this meditation and visualization. The compassion and clarity we seek is within us—it is our true nature.
You are part of the web of life, so you don’t need to hold on so tightly. Ultimately, who you are is awareness itself. No...
We all need healing at different times in our lives. Sometimes we need healing for physical illness. At other times, we need to heal the...
In a healthy response to pain and fear, we establish awareness before it becomes anger. We can train ourselves to notice the gap between the...
After more than 40 years teaching mindfulness and compassion to thousands on the spiritual path, the most important message I can offer is this: You...
Romantic love can deepen when we let it. At first it is a kind of idol worship. It can come with idealism, possessiveness, jealousy, and...
Restraint serves as a counterbalance to the addictive tendencies of mind. There is a story in the Buddhist texts of a monkey living happily and...