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Understanding Your Own Mind

In popular Western culture we are taught that the way to achieve happiness is to change our external environment to fit our wishes. But this...

Healing the Heart

Just as we open and heal the body by sensing its rhythms and touching it with a deep and kind attention, so we can open...

Karma, Intention & Wise Speech

People often struggle to understand karma. Karma is simply the law of cause and effect, and in our lives this law of cause and effect...

The Temple of Healing

We all need healing at different times in our lives. Sometimes we need healing for physical illness. At other times, we need to heal the...

Your Mind: Friend or Foe?

Who is your enemy? Mind is your enemy. No one can harm you more than your own mind untamed. And who is your friend? Mind...

Video: Living a Full Life

Jack Kornfield and Frank Ostaseski discuss what it means to live a full life during a Monday night dharma talk at Spirit Rock. “In any...

Tolerance in Difficult Times

Traditional teachings focus so often on love and its transformative spirit that we can overlook a more basic and fundamental power—the tolerant heart. Human differences...

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