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Steady the Mind

  Who is your enemy? Mind is your enemy. No one can harm you more than a mind untrained. Who is your friend? Mind is...

Audio: The Joy of Virtue

Conscious conduct or virtue, means acting harmoniously and with care toward the life around us. For spiritual practice to develop, it is absolutely essential that...

Vast Silence and Illumination (Part Two)

(Read Part One: Vast Silence and Illumination) Buddhist psychology offers a systematic training to open the mystical perspective by explaining how to develop states of...

Vast Silence and Illumination

Jhana states are two sets of stable states of absorption concentration and insight concentration outlined in Buddhist psychology.  These states are so central to the...

Concentration with Joy

First, sit quietly for a few minutes.  Now reflect on the times in your life when you are most absorbed, concentrated and fully present. They...

How Concentration Works

“It is through the cultivation of inner concentration that luminous purity of mind arises. It is through luminous purity that access to expanded states arise....

Awakening to Pure Consciousness

Let us consider the unbounded sky or mirror-like nature of consciousness. We need to be practical. Our first task is to learn to distinguish the...

Practice: Visualization

To work with a sacred image, choose someone who inspires you, St. Francis or Kwan Yin the goddess of infinite mercy, Jesus or Mary, Buddha...

Practice: Counting Thoughts

“With the mind, observe the mind.” – Buddha  This first simple practice gives an immediate experience of mindfulness of thought. Sit comfortably and quietly. After...

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