In these confusing and heated political times, there has been an increase in hate speech and action. In response, we need to rededicate ourselves and our society to the underlying principles of compassion, ethics and kindness.
Buddhism teaches us there is only one way to foster individual and society-wide well-being: through universal respect, compassion and tolerance.
Buddhism rejects all forms of prejudice whether anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-white, anti-other. Whether in word or deed, Buddhist teaching shows that any action based on intolerance or hate only brings suffering.
In the Buddha’s words: “Hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed.”
Turn away from the polarized political confusion.
Quiet your mind, listen to your heart, follow the Dharma.
Embody compassion for all.
Stand up for your highest values. Speak out for tolerance.
Turn toward that which is important.
Now is the time to reflect,
to care, to act wisely
and to protect one another and all that matters.
May you do so and bring your blessings to this earth.